Tuesday, January 27, 2009


via Kris Abel's Tech Life

Sunday, January 25, 2009

And he stood there with Death staring him in the face

Mirror ][ rorriM

This is supposed to give the illusion of being a mirror. It isn't one.

Fountain of Blood

Some sort of war memorial designed by the Orhugg clan of ogres.

It wasn't designed to be like this, but I don't have those pieces in blue (for water), so...

Chairs are hard to build.

Sigh... That Bob.

Bob's fashion sense is mediocre at best...

...but when he participates in surveillance missions in the jungle he does tend to stand out a bit.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Off to Camp!

I'm off to summer camp today- so i won't be posting for about a week.

i leave you with smething interesting: Modular Mini-Golf!

Or if you're in the mood for some craziness, we have 3 Psycho Modules:

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Snaps are a new line of civilian sports-ships for quick, short range transport around Bespin®.