Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Field Guide to Hitchhikers


sqiddster said...

lol. nice posing of the tourist

NXTMonger said...

Do you like the photoshopped-out background on Ol' Grumpers? I was going to do that on all of them but it's kind of tedious.

sqiddster said...

there is actually an easier way to get good white backgrounds that look realistic. the difference between yours and mine are shadows. I assume you lasso around the character then fill the outside with white? The easier way is to go into brightness/contrast and turn up the brightness until the background looks bright. sometimes it helps to change the contrast or the colour too. this takes about 10 seconds. egample here:

ok there's my rave. hope it helped and happy editing!

sqiddster said...

^whoa what? stupid URL.
ok try again

NXTMonger said...

I hadn't thought of that. I'll try it on my next photo.

NXTMonger said...

Hmm, I can't really get it to work. I can't find an adjust lightness function in PhotoShop.

sqiddster said...

ehh thats odd.... I dont have photoshop but i tyhought it was user friendly?
it is usually in a tab called brightness/contrast...

mmmm said...
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NXTMonger said...

sqiddster -
Well, I couldn't find a lightness or contrast control in PhotoShop (it's probably staring me in the face), but I found something like that in Preview, Apple's static media viewing application.
But whenever I adjust the contrast or brightness it just washes out the MOC. Gahhh!

What software do you use? The GIMP?

NXTMonger said...

No cancel that! I think I got it to work. I found a slider labeled white level. And that essentially increases the contrast of only the white – that is it makes the white whiter.

Thanks Sqiddster. You saved me a lot of lassoing!

sqiddster said...

no prob. I'm here to help.
(wow 11 comments)